
Milesight offers two versions of Devicehub, cloud service and on-premises version that can install and run on your own server. You can refer to this article about how to connect Milesight LoRaWAN gateway or router to Devicehub. If you encounter any issue trying to connect LoRaWAN gateway to Devicehub, you can refer to this article for simple troubleshooting.


If your gateway cannot connect to Devicehub, the Status under System->Device Management will shows Connecting continuously, or automatically disconnected after a period of trying. Please refer to below check list for simple troubleshooting.

1. Check if Devicehub server is reachable for your gateway.

The host name of Cloud version of Devicehub is:


2. Check if you entered correct Activation Server Address and Device Management Server Address.

For cloud version of Devicehub user, the correct address is as below:

Activation Server Address:

Device Management Server Address:


For on-premises Deivcehub, Server Address support both IP and hostname. Device Management Server Address is: http://’your server address’:8080/acs


3. Check if you entered correct Authentication Code.

The ‘=’ at the end is a part of Authentication Code. If you miss the Authentication Code, you can always check here:

4. If you enable ‘Verify Serial Number and MAC address’, check if you enter the right Serial Number and MAC Address.


The required MAC Address is Eth0 MAC not WLAN MAC. You can find Eth0 MAC at Packet Forwarder->General->Gateway EUI. The Eth0 MAC address is gateway EUI removed ‘FFFE’, take an example: the Gateway EUI is: 24E124FFFEF0E201, then the Eth0 MAC address is: 24E124F0E201



5. Check if your gateway MTU setting reasonable.

The minimum MTU that Devicehub required is 1300.  



For those using on-premises Devicehub, there are several extra point to check.

1. Check if your DeviceHub server open these ports on the firewall: DeviceHub Service Ports  

2. If your Deivehub server is under a public router, check if you enable the NAT and enter correct public ip address on Devicehub.


3. Check if Devicehub progress is running on your server.

You can use command to check if there is Devicehub progress: 

ps -ef | grep clouddata


If your server miss above progress, you can run this command start Devicehub progress manually:



4. Check if Devicehub database saved correct Authentication Code.

You can use below command to check the database record:

mysql -uroot -padmin

use ursalink_myacs;

select * from tbl_acs_device;




If above points are checked and still not work, change gateway log severity to Debug, then re-connect DeviceHub for a few minutes, download the logs and send to Milesight support portal.



