Q1: How can I connect a PT1000 sensor to UC502?
Answer: Although PT1000 sensor could not connect to UC502 directly, it's suggested to use a PT1000-RS485(Modbus RTU) converter module as a bridge between PT1000 sensor and UC502.
Q2: Can I configure the UC1114 via serial port by commands?
Answer: Yes, please submit a ticket to iot.support@milesight.com for details about it.
Q3: What is the maximum pulse frequency supported by the pulse counter input of the UC500 or UC11-N1?
Answer: The limit of the pulse counter is 10KHz, It's enough for most scenarios.
Q4: What is the model of the lora module of the UG6X and Lora UC series controller and sensor products?
Answer: Semtech SX1301/SX1302 for the UG6X gateway, Semtech SX1262 for Milesight sensors and controllers.
Q5: How is rejoin mode work for the UC11XX controller?
Answer: When reporting interval is not more than 30 mins, device will send specific amounts of LoRaMAC packets to check connection status every 30 mins; If no reply after specific packets, the device will re-join.
When reporting interval is more than 30 mins, device will send specific amounts of LoRaMAC packets to check connection status every reporting interval; If no reply after specific packets, the device will re-join.